body scan

Ease + Release - Body Scan

To listen to this guided meditation (recommended), please click here.

Today, I want to lead you through a body scan meditation. You may choose to read through this entire blog post first + then lie down to try the scan. Or you may read shorter sections + try relaxing while reading.

Lie down if you can + get comfortable – we’ll be here for a bit. I recommend placing a bolster or pillow under the knees to help prop them up + support the low back. You may choose to place a blanket under the ribcage to help open your heart space as well. 

When you’re ready - take a few deep breaths to begin. You can keep breathing in this manner – slow inhale, easy exhale – or allow your breath to return to normal.

As we scan the body, try to release any judgments of doing this right or wrong. Try not to attach to any thoughts that may arise. If your mind starts to wander, that’s ok. It’s normal. Just allow your attention to come back to these words. Let’s get started.

Bring your awareness to your face. Is your jaw tight?

Can you soften the closing of your eyelids?

Notice any tension in the face + just let it melt into the earth behind you.

Next, observe your shoulders – are they tense? Can you focus the breath there? With each inhale, bring in ease; with each exhale, relax.

Next, be conscious of your heart space. Can you breathe fully + deeply into your heart? Is there any constriction or maybe walls surrounding your heart?  Soften here.   

Move your focus down into the belly – with each breath in, let your belly rise to the sky. With each breath out, it melts back into your center. Again, breathe in, belly rises. Breathe out, belly melts.  

Now soften your low back - let it grow heavy into the earth. Note any tension in the glutes. There’s nothing to hold onto – no need to grip. Allow the earth to fully support you here.

Note any tightness in the hips. Can you bring your breath’s awareness there? Inhale – invite in a sense of ease and softening. Exhale – relax, let go, release.

Coming down into the legs – recognize how hard your legs work day in + day out to carry you around. Let them be soothed here. Inhale ease… exhale release. Soften the quads, the knees, your calves, even the ankles relax here. Release all tension from the legs fully.  

Lastly, notice your feet. Maybe scrunch the toes, create some tightening – inhale – then slow exhale, the toes are free.  

Pause here + take 5 slow, deep breaths.

Observe any lasting tension in the body. Bring a soft focus there – envision a bright red light circling that area of the body – as you breathe, that red light starts to travel down the body, out the feet, + into the earth. Pause. Ground down.

Release. Release. Release.

Take a deep breath. Start to invite awareness back into your body. Begin to make small movements – wiggle fingers, toes. Stretch the body long – deep inhale. Easy exhale.