create the life you love

Creativity as Meditation

i’ve been using 

art + creativity 

as a meditation

it’s nearly impossible

to focus 

on much else 

than the 

paint or piano 

under finger tips 

slowing down is

still a challenge for me

well… for my mind 

my body looooves 

being slow

that’s where we feel safe 

heart in check 

in total control

every move tender

no mistakes

to be made here 

no risks

no mishaps 






but this sweet 

lil thought bag

weighing heavy on 



is she loud!

should i sit more?

the yoga teacher in me 

says yes and shames 

me when i say it’s 

just not for me 

yet maybe the things 

we resist the most





are the exact things 

here to heal us 

not a cure all

[that’s not healing]

but a gentle invitation

to settle 

[the nervous system]

to quiet the mind

to soften the 

barriers to the heart 

You are not Failing, You are Finding your own Path

You are not failing, you are finding your own path.

In 2017, I left behind what everyone expected to be my life-long career of Audiology. I had received a Doctorate by the age of 26 + I (+ everyone else) thought I had it made.

After 5 years of working in research at a VA Hospital in SoCal, I knew something had to shift. *I* had to shift. I could no longer swallow the idea of showing up day in + day out to sit behind a desk. Or repeat over + over again, “raise your hand when you hear the beep”. 

No one warned me about the mental + emotional toll entrepreneurship would take. I wasn’t prepared for the shame I’d carry for years for leaving behind a “good” job that provided safety + security. Plus, stripping away the pride of telling people “I’m a DOCTOR” versus “I work in retail + teach yoga”.

Yet, no one warned me about the immense gratitude I would have for myself for carving my own path. For being brave enough to question what was expected of me. For taking a leap of faith to follow my heart. No matter the consequences.

This path has been windy AF. And lonely too. I am often having to remind myself that I have not failed. I am not failing. I am trailblazing my own path + THAT is success in + of itself.

If you’re feeling called to shake up something in your life but you aren’t sure where to even begin, I want to know. I want to support you + lessen that load. I want to empower you to live the life you actually WANT, the life that tickles your soul!

I’m not telling you it will be easy + all fun. I can guarantee it won’t be, actually. But with me, you will have support, resources, tools, empowerment, clarity + a life YOU are proud of.