
Creativity as Meditation

i’ve been using 

art + creativity 

as a meditation

it’s nearly impossible

to focus 

on much else 

than the 

paint or piano 

under finger tips 

slowing down is

still a challenge for me

well… for my mind 

my body looooves 

being slow

that’s where we feel safe 

heart in check 

in total control

every move tender

no mistakes

to be made here 

no risks

no mishaps 






but this sweet 

lil thought bag

weighing heavy on 



is she loud!

should i sit more?

the yoga teacher in me 

says yes and shames 

me when i say it’s 

just not for me 

yet maybe the things 

we resist the most





are the exact things 

here to heal us 

not a cure all

[that’s not healing]

but a gentle invitation

to settle 

[the nervous system]

to quiet the mind

to soften the 

barriers to the heart 

Play is the Cure

I know you’re tired
Tired of growing, healing, change
Tired of finding the lesson, of being grateful

I want you to wallow + rage
I want you to throw yourself a pity party
I want you to indulge, let loose
I want you to burn your life to the ground

I know you’re tired of being the good girl
Tired of worrying, fretting
Tired of feeling so much lack
Tired of feeling… period

I want you to know + truly embody that
You are enough
Just you
As you are 
Not because of your job title
Or your income
Not because of your clothes or car 
or online presence 
YOU are enough

I want you to meet this tired version of you
With gentleness, love, compassion
What does she really need?

I want you to swim in sweetness
To meet your shadow sides with ease
To hold those hard-to-see places with eyes of curiosity
Not judgment

I want you to abandon routines when
your body is craving
Rest + play
Soften around the should’s, 
the “must” do’s of work + life

Flow into your feminine energy
Trust + fully surrender that every single thing that is 
Aligned for you is headed your way
In perfect timing + perfect form

I know you are tired
Play is the cure

“Play is the Cu e”