inner child

The Emotion

The Emotion -
You know the one
The one you busy yourself for
Run, hide, blame

The emotion
Bubbling under the surface
Begging to simply be seen

Spend time with me
Talk with me
Just hear me
Here. Me.

Shame, guilt, anger
Sadness, loneliness, fear
Which is it?
All balled into one
Super Emotion

So how do you sit with her?
Your scared inner child
Terrified of her own thoughts,
feelings, inner world 

“The Emotion”
Dec 13, 22

Life Five Fires Ago

Life, five fires ago, was
Wildly different
often alone…
I’d travel the coast in
search of more
More adventure
More men
more me

Riding the coattails of
“success” + what was
meant to make Us Happy
But she was
Never happy

You can’t feel happy if
You don’t allow yourself to
Feel Sad Too

Reconnect with the girl from
Five Fires Ago
hold her
love her
let her go

Theguelphpoet prompts